Testing a shortcut with the Magic Keyboard

Since I will be blogging from an iPad, I worked out a shortcut to put the metadata for a post into a new sheet in Ulysses. It adds the date and all the other preferences for Jekyll to work out creating a new post at the top of the pile.

As I find more things to add to it to simplify the process… it will surely improve over time. For now, title and date were the important items. So the posts appear at the top.

Maybe tagging and categories will be something to workout for the future.

Since it is some time past my normal bed time though, I think it is far enough for today.

I also need to figure out how to get the hardware Magic Keyboard to stop activating/circling/highlighting a portion of the screen when the space bar is pressed. I’ve got the accessibility option set for activate to something other than the space bar… (shift - space) so maybe I need to use something more better-er… hmm..

Written on November 10, 2024